Action speaks louder
Jan Misael Panagan
Doing the hard yard –sharpening up skills-, where many players are unwilling to perform, has finally paid a handsome dividend to this young man when he cemented himself as one of the most important basketball player for Institut Technologi Harapan Bangsa (ITHB) Bandung, Indonesia. Not long after the team clinched the National University League title on 2013, he unanimously booked a flight to The United States of America, as a result of securing 4,5 months Basket Coaching Scholarship.
Jan Misael Panagan. Class of 2012, Information System student at ITHB. Panagan have received a coaching in a Washington PC based basketball club called Bothell. After a highly intensive training in the basket ball country, the young Panagan has then been transformed into an athlete with a better shape, muscular and healthy –let alone all the world class skills he learnt-. The club assigned a personal trainer to ensure that everything was carried out as plan for the enthusiast bloke, shaping him even further as a player. Panagan’s fairytale was continued when he was picked up to be the regular starter for Bothell on the local basketball league every week. On that, Panagan was clearly making his mark and advancing as a champion in the making.
The 19 year old young bloke, who has a dream to become an IT programmer, admitted that the game has toughened up his personality, made him a hard worker, discipline and a person that neither would be giving up nor giving in cheaply.
“Action speaks louder than word. Basket has taught me to become a person who knows precisely how to set up a plan and working it out until the last step which is the most important: making it happen. All the practices and hard works within the learning process will go in vain unless we put everything –strategy and the game plan- perfectly executed on the pitch during a match. That is the analogy.”
After all, Panagan was still a university student who got a lot of things to be taken care of regarding his study back home at ITHB Bandung, Indonesia. Thanks to the E-Learning system which is one of the university’s features, Panagan found himself untroubled although he was thousands of miles away from home. He was able to complete all the exams just like his comrades in Bandung. Video interactive learning method developed by the ITHB, provided Panagan a state of the art and much needed tool to stay in touch with his study.
Becoming a basketball darling is good. But being transformed as an athlete with such a Godly character who impacting the communities, would be the greatest result everybody expected within this wonderful university,” said Ricky, the ITHB basketball team manager.