Giving by running-ITHB Jog a thon 2015

Running for Charity was again staged by Institut Tekhnologi Harapan Bangsa, in Bandung, West Java on the 27th March 2015. The annual event, was ran at the Sabuga athlethic venue and attended by ITHB’s big families. With giving being the main and solely objective, ITHB tries to keep the spirit of charity among its families. Every single rupiah that came out from the event, was then chanelled to the pre assigned social facilities such as orphanage and school across the city.

Every person that was invloved need to actively secure a sponsor for every single lap being ran. As more sponsors bagged in during the run, the better fund they could possibly netted. All of the involving parties realized that such a spirit and motivation, are crucial and need to be maintained and at the same time ensuring it is deeply rooted among ITHB families.

The idea of having Jog a Thon every year, demands a lot of consistency and passion. Therefore no one can afford loosing out  momentum, as there are so many good things being put at stakes. During the 2015 Jog A Thon, winners were being produced from different categories and those who were flying on that day are as follow:

Student Man Longest Runner: Misael Sitepu, from Management class of 2012

Student Woman Longest Runner: Marla Y, from Industrial Technique class of  2011

Open Class, The Most Expensive Runner: Willia, from Information System class of  2012

Deans and Lecturer, Man Longest Runner: Marlon Egbert, from Student Division

At the end of the day, Rp 6.633.700 was raised and Kompas Relief Fund, was assigned to distribute the money. The involvement of Kompas Relief Fund (KRF) this year, cemented the achievement of the program as KRF is a nationwide humanitarian organization with an outstanding credibility. It’s a smart and wise move by ITHB management team, to come up with such desicion to enable the entire family of ITHB witnessing the fund become a blessing to a lot wider community. At the previous program, the fund was only channeled to local schools and orphanaged facilities.

Dr. Ir.Samuel Tarigan, MBA, Dean of ITHB, echoed his expectation about the event. He openly said that Jog A Thon is not only a fund raising program, but also as a family gathering so that every single person within ITHB family can build a close relationship one another. Health issue was also included in the objectives of Jog A Thon, according to Mr. Tarigan.

In the coming years, ITHB plans to expand the one day event, not only running but will also accomodate another activities such as cycling, swimming, as well as marathon. With bigger and wider scales, ITHB poise to bring massive impact to the community through their annual event.