Harapan Bangsa Developer Team to the National Top Three

The Harapan Bangsa Developer Team (HBDT) was initiated by a number of ITHB students from several study programs who shared the same passion to improve their software development skills and knowledge, ability to identify and solve problems, mentality, and character through national computer application development competitions.

In April 2016, represented by Andy Hartanto (Information System 2015) and Imelda Nova (Informatics Engineering 2014), HBDT won the third place in MAGE 2016, a national Multimedia and Game Event held by Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya. In this competition, they designed TrashLector, a waste sorting and sales computer application that can help solve waste management problem in Bandung, where waste-related problems are a major concern.

The 37 teams competing in the public and collegiate category were eliminated into only ten, in which three HBDT teams were included. At this stage, the surviving teams were given one month to develop an application. The jury would then select seven best teams to proceed to the final round.

From 13 to 19 April 2016, the finalists, including Hartanto and Nova, were to deliver a presentation and introduce their work before the jury and audience, who consisted of, among others, government representatives from Perhutani and Bulog. Hartanto and Nova were assisted by other HBDT members, who within a very short time helped them prepare the banner, backdrop, decoration, and other properties needed for the final presentation. Their hard work was rewarded when they eventually won the third place in MAGE 2016, after defeating collegiate teams from Telkom University, Muhammadiyah University Malang, UNJ, and public teams whose members ranged from start-ups to entrepreneurs.

Winning regional and national competitions is not foreign to the Harapan Bangsa Developer Team. In 2015, they won the first place in the Aceh Investapp Competition 2015 and stole the attention of the Aceh Provincial Government after Adam, Yanuar, and Harry successfully developed TransLine, a public transport management application. In 2015, the e-ID Card application developed by Adam, Selly, and Yanuar won the third place in Discovery BITS 2015 held by Jember University. Again in 2015, Adam, Veronica, Yanuar, and Martinus developed LearnDroid, an application that brought them as the third winner of the Unity Educomp 2015 in Yogyakarta. In the competition, they defeated teams from reputable universities, including ITB.

HBDT’s achievements showcase that their passion, preparation, and hard work are key to their success. The HBDT members believe that they must keep developing their God-given talent in computer programming, and using it to solve problems faced by the business world, the government, and the society at large.