Harapan Bangsa Mission Trip

During January 9 to 21/20/14, ITHB is doing an annual event called “Mission Trip” to Medan and Tana Karo. This trip is aimed to develop our care to the people who are financially disadvantaged.

The Chairman of Yayasan Petra, staffs, priests, and ITHB students will be giving some charities, such as:

  • Farming Training in Tana Karo
  • Praise & Worship and Visitation to give the donation for the victims of Gunung Sinabung
  • Free medication at Lagundri – South Nias
  • Praise & Worship and Farming Training in South Nias
  • Service at several churches in West Nias and Tana Karo
  • Teaching at TK Harapan Negeri (also performing “the dolls stage” for the children)
  • Housekeeping and Information Technology Training for SMP and SMA students
  • The opening of LAB in Teluk Dalam – South Nias