Perseverance made me one of world’s top one percent perfomers.

Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa held a Studium Generale on “Financial Freedom with Life Insurance Business” at the Assembly Hall of the Harapan Bangsa Campus on Friday (10/2). The public lecture featured Esra Manurung, author and Agency Owner at P.T. Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia. It was not without any reason that Manurung was invited to speak at ITHB, an Institute established in 2002 by the Petra Harapan Bangsa Foundation. Manurung personifies the character and mentality that ITHB envisions all its students to develop. She has not only a strong character and mentality, but also untiring perseverance and specialist skills of personal financial management. In addition, Manurung always takes a proactive and positive attitude towards different situations of life.

In her lecture, Manurung unfolded the story of her difficult life. “In life, we must always dream high, be grateful for what we have, and never give up,” said she, recalling how she started from zero until she reached her current level of success. “History will repeat itself, unless we change it. So, change for the better,” added she, motivating the students.

A Studium Generale is not only an academic event that brings and introduces inspiring people to campus. More than exposing students to the vast professional and intellectual experiences of the speaker, it also prepares them for their future career. The lecture was attended by students from the Information System, Informatics Engineering, Accounting, Visual Communication Design, Industrial Engineering, and Management Study Programs.

Part of the program to inspire and motivate its students as potential future leaders, the public lecture series that ITHB regularly organizes are consistent with its vision to educate future leaders who make a difference with their global standard competence, excellent character, and clear calling to promote integrity and welfare in Indonesia.