Failure is the beginning of success

Adrian Ichsan, B. Bus

Adrian Ichsan is the only child of his family who was born and grew up in Semarang, Central Java. He learned to play the viola since he was 14 under the guidance of Edward C. van Ness, an American violist/orchestra conductor/song writer.

Adrian began his career as a violinist as the second violinist for Nusantara Symphony Orchestra (NSO); an orchestra whose members are several finest Indonesian musicians, performing not only classic music, but also jazz and rock and roll.

Throughout his career as a viola player, Adrian has made a record of achievements:

  • One of the youngest Indonesian violinist promoted by Hikotaro Yazaki, one of the world’s 10 best orchestra conductors.
  • Viola soloist at Umar Ismail Hall, Jakarta, on Octorber 20, 2013.

However, like everyone who has achieved success, Adrian has also encountered failure. During a recital, though he successfully entertained the audience, his performance could not live up to his teacher’s expectation, who believed that Adrian could have done so much better. A lesson he learned from this experience is that we can always learn even from the bitter experience, as long as we are willing to be introspective and not put the blame on the condition, let alone, on others.

This young man, who considers himself to be a realist, chose Business major at ITHB International Program as the place to pursue higher education, which he found to offer what he needs to continue his study or pursue a career abroad. After a year studying at ITHB, he found the campus with all its facilities highly conducive to study. The lecturers and staff are also very approachable and willing to help. “I find it very comfortable to be a student at ITHB,” said Adrian with enthusiasm.