ITHB Alumnus Awarded As BCA’s Best Account Officer

“Improving credit portfolio by analyzing customers’ needs and providing them with the best banking solutions is the main job of an Account Officer (AO),” explained Daniel Wibowo Hartanto, Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology (ITHB) graduate from class 2012, who currently works as an Account Officer at BCA. An AO is required to retain customers’ loyalty to BCA by building good relations with them, giving them the ease of banking through, for example, digital technology.

Not only does Daniel know this well, but he also applies this principle consistently in his job. It is not surprising, therefore, that he was recently awarded as BCA’s national best AO. It had never occurred to him that he would ever receive such an award because he had to be the best among the 120 top AOs that had been selected from thousands of BCA AOs across the country.

As Daniel admitted, it was the principle of ‘Care & Service’, one of the core values he learned while studying at ITHB, which taught him to always care for and help other people. Daniel’s social life at the campus exposed him to people of various backgrounds, an experience that enabled him to understand his different clients. During the interview, Daniel could not hide his pride in his alma mater ITHB, the campus where he learned to develop not only his business skills, but also the ability to think conceptually and holistically and find the right and effective solution to every problem. “ITHB is a campus that is committed to seeking continuous innovation and keeping up with the latest developments in digital technology, a commitment that contributes significantly to the students’ future career, wherever they are, whatever they do,” added Daniel.