Jumpstart your career with ERP certification

Anggoro Prasetyo Utomo, ST., MT.

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. It is computer software used by companies to integrate their business processes. It covers wide functionalities within an enterprise, i.e. procurement, inventory management, production planning, sales and distribution, human capital management, accounting, and many more. ERP does not only run those processes, but it also runs them in a way that will result in full effectiveness and high efficiency. ERP does that by taking over manual data processing, coordination, and consolidation process that previously involve numerous people from various departments, and by replacing them with a highly streamlined and integrated process requiring significantly less human intervention. Simply put, ERP is a system that helps a company performs more efficiently.

The demand of ERP is ever-increasing. ERP has raised industry standards for excellent and efficient operation. Hence, it creates a new benchmark for competition. Companies that fall short of the benchmark will suffer and eventually go out of business. ERP is no longer a tool to gain competitive advantages, but it is a requirement to survive.

Gartner, in Worldwide IT Spending Forecast Report 2014, predicted an increase of 3.2%, reaching US$ 3.8 trillion of IT spending in 2014. This number is likely to reach US$ 4.4 trillion by 2018. The message is very clear; the world will spend more and even more money for IT systems. However, one question remains: do we have enough capable people to support the rising demand of IT systems?

Now is the time to focus on training more people with the right competence and skills in order to support this rising demand. Students with information technology, system engineering, logistics, or management backgrounds are sorts of people having the right knowledge to start specializing in ERP areas. Getting an ERP training or certification is a key step in defining their careers as ERP consultants. It will equip them with a unique blend of competence, knowledge of the business and knowledge of the IT systems–a combination rarely found in a fresh graduate. With this training, graduates can jumpstart their careers into ERP implementation projects conducted by major ERP implementation partners and companies.

Every student at ITHB gets a chance to experience ERP training using the world-leading ERP, which is SAP (Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung or Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing). Career-minded students can also pursue TERP10 that provides an intensive training to prepare individuals becoming a SAP Certified Business Associate with SAP ERP 6.0, by spending only IDR 5 million (should be 10 million). This certificate is a distinguishing accomplishment recognized by many global companies using SAP.

As a matter of fact, five ITHB students, namely Kristy, Toar, Edbert, Yosef, and Randy recently passed their certification test. We believe that a wonderful ERP experience is waiting for them when they graduate.

Would you like to enter the world of ERP consulting? Join us at ITHB and contact ITHB Career Resource Center (CRC).