Competitive Yet Promising Careers in Singapore

It is a common view among fresh graduates that employment in a developed country like Singapore promises a wealth of experience and fortune. To achieve it all, however, one must first face a very tight global competition with international graduates who possess excellent knowledge, technical skill, communication fluency, and work ethic.

This was exactly what Freddy Herwandana (Informatics Engineering) faced in 2011 when he, immediately after graduation from Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology Bandung, applied for an IT Consultant position at Panasonic Information System Company in Singapore.

Recently, before the 50 ITHB students who met him during a study tour to Singapore, Freddy could not conceal his feeling of gratitude for having had an opportunity to study at ITHB. According to him, ITHB has taught him the knowledge, skills, and attitude that had brought him a success in life.

Freddy recalled that the moment that changed his life was when ITHB Rector Dr. Ir. Samuel Tarigan, M.B.A., who also has a wide experience as a consultant in the U.S., asked him a question, “How do you see yourself in five years?”

“It was kinda hard for me at first to answer the question. It was then that the thought of working in a foreign country occurred to me. In my vision, working in a foreign country would give me the opportunity to observe and adopt international best practices. It’s been five years now since I graduated. And I’m currently enjoying a very promising career here in Singapore. The competition is tough and there are extensive challenges as well, to be sure.”

When he stepped in for his very first interview back then, Freddy felt that he was ready to work with the Oracle and SAP certification he received from ITHB. “ITHB gives its students the right weapons for their future. I was once a bad student. Skipping practical sessions was among the wrong things I did. But eventually, I decided that everyone has to determine his or her own goal in life.”

Having a promising career that he has developed for the past five years does not make Freddy any less humble than he has always been. Modesty is, in fact, one of the unique traits of character nurtured at ITHB. “I still feel I have not done that much during the past five years. I think a moderate amount of salary is fine to start with, because we can develop ourselves in time. I got a significant raise in my second year compared to the other professionals at my level. It was all because I learned from ITHB about the importance of attitude and perseverance.”

Freddy Herwandana

Informatics Engineering Graduate 2011

recruited as Oracle Consultant

Panasonic Information System Company