ITHB Prepared Me to Always Perform My Best in Singapore

As a teenager back then, John Johan Theodoricus had many big dreams. He often visualized himself working in a foreign country, exchanging views eloquently with his co-workers. “Studying Informatics Engineering at ITHB was one of the important decisions I took to make my dreams come true. I remember Dr. Samuel Tarigan, the rector of ITHB, said that ITHB graduates must be well-prepared for international competition.”

As Theodoricus recalled it, the assignments he got from the campus were way too demanding for his uncultivated mind. But an excellence-oriented study program never requires its students to work on assignments or projects with obscure targets or objectives. As a student, Theodoricus understood this well.

It was indeed for his determination that Accenture Malaysia appointed him as a migration analyst in Kuala Lumpur after an in-campus recruitment process at ITHB. “I worked for Accenture for 2 years and 6 months. I met a lot of challenges. I had to cope with a heavy workload at hand, work with very complex data structures, and endure long working hours. However, I never thought about it as a burden. In fact, as Mr. Bersih Tarigant (Chair of the Petra Harapan Bangsa Foundation under which ITHB was established) once taught us, I considered it as a challenge to do my best and prove my professional commitment.”

Currently, John Johan Theodoricus lives in Singapore, working as a Technical Consultant for Openlink Financial Pte. Ltd., an American software company. His dreams have come true: working in an international atmosphere with professionals from the US, UK, the Philippines, China, Japan, Korea, India, Austria, France, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Singapore. He is handling big international corporate clients including Bank Negara Malaysia.

“Working in a foreign country is all about facing a multitude of interesting challenges. You must be able to communicate in an international language that is relevance to the culture of the country where you are based. Working and living in such an environment offer an experience valuable for one’s self-development.”

“I thank ITHB for everything. I respect the professionalism of the academics, who work continuously to shape the curriculum to meet the ever-changing market demands. I admire their intellectual creativity to design assignments that specifically aim to nurture the students’ skills and industriousness. Such qualities are just what every student needs to be a future goal-oriented professional who always gives the best performance to meet and even exceed clients’ expectations.”