Payment Gateway Service MyITHB

Institute Technology Harapan Bangsa (ITHB) provides MyITHB payment gateway service with the aim of providing convenience for students and parents in payment transactions for all ITHB Academic financial transactions.

All the user of MyITHB should follow the privacy policy of MyITHB Apps.

This page is used to inform students and parents about the payment gateway feature in MyITHB Apps.

  1. Students and parents access MyITHB Apps using user id & password that already given and then access Keuangan menus from front page.
    All The currencies on Keuangan page using Rupiah

  2. Students and parents will see the amount of the fee on the Saldo that should be paid. Then user clik Bayar and the page will redirect to Metode Pembayaran page. There are tree method for payment channel:
    1. BCA Virtual Account
    2. Klik Pay
    3. Credit Card


  3. Students and parents may choose one payment channel and follow the instruction on that page.

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  4. The transaction information will be sent to The Students or Parents through push notification.
